Choose Login Method
Please Be Advised Information contained in this website is subject to EAR/ITAR regulations and restrictions. This system is intended for the sole use of authorized personnel who possess valid User IDs and have express Permission or official authorization to access this system. All others obtaining access to or in any other manner using this system will be traced, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including criminal proceedings in cooperation with the U.S. District Attorney's office, and all available civil actions for monetary damages.

Please call the Raytheon Help Desk at (877) 844-4712 with the following: the URL of the web site you are trying to log into and the estimated date of your last successful login.

Account creation requires Raytheon sponsor approval. Please have your Raytheon sponsor submit a new account request on your behalf.

The account creation time varies (approximately 10 days). In addition, Non-Raytheon employees should ensure they have provided proof of citizenship.

For additional information, please contact your Raytheon Sponsor.

An email will be sent (to the email address specified in your account request form) with your account information and a login guide.

All tool accounts require Raytheon sponsor approval. Please have your Raytheon sponsor submit a new tool account request on your behalf.

Raytheon security policies dictate which CAC cards/PKI certificates are supported.

Please send an email to for further assistance in determining if your CAC card/PKI certificate is accepted by Raytheon.

You must associate your CAC card/PKI certificate with your Raytheon Directory Services account.

Please go to this web site and log in with your Raytheon Directory Services username (BP, NRP, Raytheon ID) and password:

Your registration will be effective within 1 hour. You can validate your successful registration here:

A SecurID® token will be requested on your behalf if you are a Business Partner and do not have a CAC card/PKI certificate.